Littauer Stitch Removal Scissors (Freelance UK) – Surgical Systems | Surgical Supplies
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Surgical Systems - Since 2005

Littauer Stitch Removal Scissors (Freelance UK)

Littauer stitch removal scissors, also known as Littauer scissors or Littauer stitch scissors, are a type of surgical instrument designed specifically for the removal of stitches or sutures. They feature a distinctive design with one blade having a hook or notch at its tip, which aids in lifting and cutting sutures precisely without damaging the surrounding tissue. The opposing blade is usually sharp and pointed to facilitate easy cutting.

These scissors are typically made from high-quality stainless steel to ensure durability and sterility, crucial for medical procedures. Their small size and precise construction make them ideal for delicate tasks requiring fine control, such as removing sutures from wounds or incisions.

Littauer stitch removal scissors are commonly used in medical settings by healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and surgeons. They offer efficiency and accuracy in suture removal, contributing to optimal wound healing and patient comfort. Proper technique and caution are essential when using these scissors to prevent injury to the patient or oneself. Regular cleaning and sterilization protocols are necessary to maintain their effectiveness and safety in medical practice.
R 56175 (Excl VAT)
SKU: A11-0801-01